What Degrees Can You Earn in Architecture Institutes in Franklin, TN?

Architecture and interior design are two disciplines that focus on the construction and design of residences, offices, and other buildings. A Bachelor of Architecture is a fully accredited professional degree that will prepare you to become a licensed architect. Several 4-year public schools in Tennessee offer architecture programs.Bachelor of architecture programs are offered in two forms: a 4-year bachelor's degree program is pre-professional, which means you won't be able to sit for the architectural licensing exam, although you could pursue graduate studies. A 5-year bachelor's degree program prepares you to become licensed.

Those who specialize in landscape architecture will be interested in the environment and the design of the land and outdoor spaces that human beings inhabit in a variety of ways.The demand for architecture is almost limitless, with 26% of workplaces, businesses, restaurants, educational centers, health centers, and shopping malls requiring qualified architects licensed in the United States. In the U. S., 34 states require architects to hold a professional degree in architecture obtained from an accredited professional degree program.Students studying architecture with a specialization in urban planning will focus on the design of the built environment, from scaled details on traffic signs to panoramic views of the metropolitan structure as a whole. Learn about the prerequisites and requirements for graduating, courses, school costs, and more for undergraduate and graduate programs in architecture.Unlike most architectural subjects, the history of architecture is largely taught through a theoretical approach.

The University of Tennessee and the University of Memphis are public schools that offer bachelor's and master's degree programs in architecture. Graduates who specialize in interior architecture will acquire the necessary skills to develop careers in exhibition design, installation work, furniture design, or as professional interior architecture designers.As an architectural planner, you can work in urban or national planning, planning policy, environmental planning, and transportation planning. The specialization of architectural technology combines the creative art of architecture with the technological aspects necessary to bring designs to life. The interaction of urban and natural environments is also often a key focus, especially in landscape architecture courses taught in urban institutions.Architectural principles apply to the design of interior spaces in different environments such as private residences, the hotel industry and commercial buildings, as well as public and institutional spaces.

In addition, an additional year of college education with additional architecture classes is required to graduate from a degree program in architecture.Students in architecture courses will also attend lectures on history, theory, and technology as well as computer-aided design tutorials which aim to provide students with mastery of various design programs to help them complete individual projects. In the United States, earning a degree in architecture at an accredited university or professional school is traditionally the first step toward the professional goal of architecture.The pre-professional Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture program at the University of Memphis is designed to familiarize you with the professional standards of this field and with the processes needed to succeed in architectural design.